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From 1 January, new rules will apply on the slopes

From 1 January, new rules will apply on the slopes:

1) The obligation to wear a protective helmet will be raised from the current age of 14 to 18.

2) Winter sports enthusiasts must take out liability insurance.
Most policies of this kind, including family policies, provide special coverage for alpine skiing.

3) It is prohibited to ski or engage in winter sports in a state of intoxication caused by the consumption of alcoholic beverages and toxic substances.
The regulation does not specify at what blood alcohol concentration the state of intoxication exists. In the event of an offence, it is therefore likely to proceed by analogy and apply the provisions of the Highway Code. In Italy, the limit is 0.5 mg of alcohol per litre of blood. The police may carry out on-the-spot checks if they have reasonable suspicion that a person may be in breach of this rule. They then apply the control methods provided for in the legislation. Exceeding the permissible limit is punishable by an administrative fine, while the criminal aspect is not covered, in contrast to the road traffic regulations for winter sports.

Domanda fatta da IS-Admin il 02/01/2022 16:16:19

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