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Antigenic test-Selva di Valgardena


They will also perform fastest tests at this point/Selva Di Val Gardena; antigenic?
Do you know what the prices are and do you also get a report?

Best regards
Boštjan Sušelj

Domanda fatta da Boštjan Sušelj il 10/01/2021 10:10:26

Risposte: 1Price for guests
25,00 €

Evaluation within:
Approx. 1 hour after entry into the database

The paramedic staff will take a nasal swab.
You will be informed of the test result as soon as possible via your contact details on the registration form.

PhoneTeststation: +39 329 2933804

Risposta di IS-Admin del 10/01/2021 22:22:21
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