--Registration and 3G proof requirement for Val Gardena Dolomites
--Registration and 3G proof requirement
For entry to Italy from all non-EU countries in the world, the same regulations apply as for EU citizens since 1 March 2022. The digital entry form must be completed before entering the country. The proof of registration must be carried along. Upon entry, the so-called Green Pass (or an equivalent confirmation from other states) must also be carried, which confirms that the person concerned has been fully vaccinated, has recovered or has been tested. In the case of a double vaccination, the Green Pass is valid for 9 months; in the case of a triple vaccination, it is valid indefinitely. In the case of those who have recovered, the recovery period must not be longer than 6 months, and tests must not be older than 72 hours (PCR) or 48 hours (antigen).
--What criteria must the Green Pass fulfil?
The certificates must be written in at least one of the following languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish or German. If the certificate was not issued in one of these five languages, it must be accompanied by a certified translation. Accommodation, catering, lifts: 2G still applies
--For accommodation, catering or lifts, the Super Green Pass (2G) is still required.
The regulation applies to persons aged 12 and over. Persons who have not been vaccinated or have not recovered are therefore not allowed to use these services. -Recovered or vaccinated more than 6 months ago Guests from abroad who have a recovery or vaccination certificate (2-times vaccinated) older than 6 months may use all services for which the Super Green Pass (2G) is required upon presentation of a negative antigen or PCR test. The antigen test must not be older than 48 hours, the PCR test not older than 72 hours. For accommodation, the antigen or PCR test must be repeated every 48 or 72 hours respectively.
--vaccines not licensed in the EU
Guests from abroad who have received a Corona vaccination with a vaccine that is not licensed in the EU may use all services for which the Super Green Pass (2G) is required upon presentation of a negative antigen or PCR test that is not older than 48 or 72 hours respectively. One of the best known vaccines that has not been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is the Russian vaccine Sputnik.
--For holiday returnees and travellers to Germany,
further entry facilitations have been in effect since last week. For non-vaccinated persons, the obligation to register and quarantine is waived when returning from Italy. However, the obligation to provide proof of 3G continues to apply for all persons entering Germany. Persons without vaccination or convalescence proof must present a negative antigen or PCR test that is not older than 48 hours. Children under 12 years of age without proof of vaccination or convalescence do not have to take a coronary test before returning to Germany.
Source: IDM South Tyrol
Question asked by IS-Admin on 09/03/2022 17:17:00
For entry to Italy from all non-EU countries in the world, the same regulations apply as for EU citizens since 1 March 2022. The digital entry form must be completed before entering the country. The proof of registration must be carried along. Upon entry, the so-called Green Pass (or an equivalent confirmation from other states) must also be carried, which confirms that the person concerned has been fully vaccinated, has recovered or has been tested. In the case of a double vaccination, the Green Pass is valid for 9 months; in the case of a triple vaccination, it is valid indefinitely. In the case of those who have recovered, the recovery period must not be longer than 6 months, and tests must not be older than 72 hours (PCR) or 48 hours (antigen).
--What criteria must the Green Pass fulfil?
The certificates must be written in at least one of the following languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish or German. If the certificate was not issued in one of these five languages, it must be accompanied by a certified translation. Accommodation, catering, lifts: 2G still applies
--For accommodation, catering or lifts, the Super Green Pass (2G) is still required.
The regulation applies to persons aged 12 and over. Persons who have not been vaccinated or have not recovered are therefore not allowed to use these services. -Recovered or vaccinated more than 6 months ago Guests from abroad who have a recovery or vaccination certificate (2-times vaccinated) older than 6 months may use all services for which the Super Green Pass (2G) is required upon presentation of a negative antigen or PCR test. The antigen test must not be older than 48 hours, the PCR test not older than 72 hours. For accommodation, the antigen or PCR test must be repeated every 48 or 72 hours respectively.
--vaccines not licensed in the EU
Guests from abroad who have received a Corona vaccination with a vaccine that is not licensed in the EU may use all services for which the Super Green Pass (2G) is required upon presentation of a negative antigen or PCR test that is not older than 48 or 72 hours respectively. One of the best known vaccines that has not been approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) is the Russian vaccine Sputnik.
--For holiday returnees and travellers to Germany,
further entry facilitations have been in effect since last week. For non-vaccinated persons, the obligation to register and quarantine is waived when returning from Italy. However, the obligation to provide proof of 3G continues to apply for all persons entering Germany. Persons without vaccination or convalescence proof must present a negative antigen or PCR test that is not older than 48 hours. Children under 12 years of age without proof of vaccination or convalescence do not have to take a coronary test before returning to Germany.
Source: IDM South Tyrol
Question asked by IS-Admin on 09/03/2022 17:17:00