General information for your holiday in Val Gardena
Here you get some general information for your holiday in Val Gardena so that you can enjoy your stay in Ortisei, S. Cristina and Selva to the fullest. In case of emergency it is good to know useful phone numbers of pharmacies, doctors, mountain rescue service etc.
Furthermore you get information of banks and tourist offices for your holiday in Val Gardena.
Useful telephone numbers - Emergency 112

Emergency medical service for guests
from December to April and from June to end of September
Str. Meisules 146 Selva Tel. 0471 794266
Medical service in Ortisei
Tel. 0471 797785 | Mo.- Fr. 8.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.
Home visits
doctor around the clock available
Tel. 0471 794266
Dolomiti Sportclinic

Director of the Dolomiti Sportclinic
sports traumatology and orthopaedics
Str. Purger 181 Ortisei - Tel. 0471 086000

Str. Promeneda 1/1B Ortisei
Tel. 388 2580002
Dr. Valentin Tröbinger
Specialist in trauma surgery, neurology
Str. Dantercëpies 2/A Selva
Tel. 0471 773073 - 335 6844944
Dr. Simon Kostner - Dr. Cordula Weber
Str. Trebinger 10 Ortisei
Str. Nives 45 Selva
Tel. 0471 794002 - 347 2297492
Dr. Giuliano Piccoliori
Str. Chemun 7 S.Cristina
Tel. 0471 792282 - 348 3301004

Str. Rezia 94 Ortisei
Tel. 0471 786202 - 338 6370757
Dr. Vesna Murganić
Str. Gherdeina 2 S.Cristina
Tel. 0471 790258 - 347 0353518

Str. Purger 33/b Ortisei - Tel. 0471 786112
Tel. 348 2340224 (in case of emergency only)
Dr. Mark Stuflesser
Str. Petlin 9 Ortisei - Tel. 0471 797466
Dr. Christoph Winkler
Str. Promenede 1 Ortisei - Tel. 0471 786534
Dr. Pietro Rigotti
Str. Rezia 41 Ortisei - Tel. 0471 798077
Dr. Rosanna Ragucci
Dr. Marco Stringari
Str. Rezia 237 Ortisei - Tel. 0471 786075
Dr. Alberto Mach di Palmstein
Str. Chemun 39 S.Cristina - Tel. 349 1766841
Physiotherapists / masseurs

Str. Purger 181 Ortisei - Tel. 0471 086000
Helmuth Foppa
Str. Rezia 82 Ortisei - Tel. 0471 798455
Irene Tedeschi
Str. Promenade 2 Ortisei - Tel. 333 2368085
Lukas Perathoner
Str. Chemun 17 S.Cristina - Tel. 0471 792128

Str. Paul S.Cristina - Tel. 340 2987229
Banks and money exchange

Bank Trento e Bolzano
Str. Rezia 37 Ortisei Tel. 0471 796262
Bank Popolare
Piazza S. Durich 3 Ortisei Tel. 0471 797750
Bank Risparmio
Str. Rezia 79 Ortisei Tel. 0471 796211
Bank Raiffeisen of Castelrotto / Ortisei
Str. Vidalong 1 Ortisei Tel. 0471 799045
Bank Raiffeisen of Castelrotto / Roncadizza
Str. Arnaria 1/A Ortisei Te. 0471 799046
Bank Raiffeisen of Selva / Ortisei
Str. Rezia 73/A Ortisei Tel. 0471 796250
Bank Risparmio
Str. Dursan 57 S.Cristina Tel. 0471 793386
Bank Raiffeisen di Selva / S.Cristina
Piazza Municipio S.Cristin Tel. 0471 793060
Bank Risparmio
Str. Meisules 286 Selva Tel. 0471 772611
Bank Popolare
Str. Meisules 155/A Selva Tel. 0471 794207
Bank Raiffeisen di Selva
Str. Meisules 211 Selva Tel. 0471 772020
Image gallery:

13/02/2025Pilat Light Show - Ortisei27/02/2025
Carnival in Ortisei08/03/2025
Dolomites Dirndl Ski Dayshow all >
Weather forecast:
tuesday | wednesday | Thursday |
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0° / 6° | 0° / 7° | -3° / 11° |
Stay in Val Gardena:
Request availabilityAccommodations with Parking place in Val GardenaAccommodations with Services for disabled in Val GardenaAccommodations with Pets admission in Val Gardena